Psoriasis diet

Psoriasis is a fairly common disease, the lesions that characterize the emergence of the dermis and mucous membranes psoriatic plaques (popular reddish or pinkish in color), malaise, itching, hyperemia dermis. Development, disease, any person who is insured, neither young nor old.

Pathology brings people a lot of discomfort and discomfort. At the same time, people, suffering, sickness, continuous periods of remission) to hide the issue under a garment.

Psoriasis - an incurable disease. Patients assigned to maintenance therapy and relapse prevention enhancing problem unpleasant symptoms. Физиотерапией along with medication, patients are advice to stick to a diet is food.

It is important to understand pathology without an impossible diet fix to treat.

Psoriasis diet promoting a significant decrease in the severity of symptoms, and renewal periods of remission. Easy to stick to the diet at home.

Basic power

Returns the positive effects of therapeutic measures in combating the complex pathology. This недуге a complex that is an essential ingredient while dieting. Respect the principles of nutrition and eliminating food intake, banned products, successful forget малоприятных pathology findings. The disease the diet is effective in any way (подошвенном, scalp). As a result of adhering to diet noticeable after a week.

Basic power

Distinguished help many dieters prevention of acute pathology. There are some differences in the diet, but the basic part is the same.

  1. Diet psoriasis should be available.
  2. It is recommended to exclude alcohol and cigarettes.
  3. Includes health food intake, reduce salt.
  4. Intake with the contents of food products, preservatives, stabilizers, dyes and other artificial additives must cancel.
  5. Vegetable food must enrich the diet.
  6. Fast protein diet menus also contains disclaimer (sweet pastries).
  7. Enrich the diet must be grains (rice, oats, wheat), vegetables and salads.
  8. Food should be consumed in small portions at least five times a day.
  9. The proposed input-кисломолочной fat diet product.
  10. You need to follow regular diet during bowel movement. The appearance of your notes you will need to enter constipation diet, vegetable fiber, and vegetable oils.
  11. Also, move more and consume with sufficient liquid (at least two liters).

Nutrition advantages

An integral component of the diet, treatment, pathology.

Nutrition advantages

Its main benefits are:

  • healing skin;
  • excess weight loss;
  • improving the functioning of digestive system;
  • normalization of a chair.

Psoriasis diet it is important to understand what must be continuous. Just so avoid duplication pathology.

Contraindicated with central nervous system pathology, and the existence of people diet FAQ. Direct effects on dietary ingredients because this exception-vascular system. Pathology an acute attack if necessary neutralize using the power of mandatory individual menu adjustments the characteristics of an organism.

Each diet psoriasis have unique characteristics. Foods which can be consumed and meals consult with your doctor to find out any of people this disease should be abandoned.

As seen in the table, the permitted and prohibited foods is recommended for people with psoriasis dispense products containing starch, particularly potatoes, citrus fruits, berries, nuts. It is not recommended also eating bananas, melons, corn, prunes, mushrooms, lentils.

Diet prescribed treatment, only a qualified technician. We ask you to provide or rely on diet reviews or its not worth the Board's familiar, and the same or a different diet forums on the internet. To clarify, diet recipes, learn the food, it can be the doctor.

Psoriasis treatment diet list, forbidden and allowed foods

People with this disease, without exception, everyone recommended compliance, treatment, diet, and suitable normalization of the functioning of the body, improve metabolism and prevention of the emergence of recurrent. The exception lies in a particular product and its place in psoriasis treatment diet from drinking useful products.

Banned products

Use this недуге recommended to exclude the following products:

  • Spices and spice. Psoriasis harmful spices and products containing them. High content of essential oils and aromatic ingredients toxic effects on the human body. These substances provoke, irritate, emergence and intense itching of the skin, so aggravation of the pathology.
  • It's nuts. Pathology eating any nuts is prohibited. Is allergic to peanut products. This illness such as the use of nuts and eliminating the cost of people themselves in the form of supplements. Forbidden eating peanut butter.
  • Peel, citrus. Her essential oils contains a large concentration toxic for people with psoriasis.
  • - Fat meat varieties. The concept of them is arachidonic acid. This article initial factor inflammation and psoriatic plaques appearance the dermis.
  • Alcoholic beverages. Restricted-use, no, the drink, however, drinks such as the most stringent restriction, grape. Training notes aromatic substances during fermentation, to encourage the development of allergic skin reactions. Alcoholic beverages lead to crashes harmful effect on the liver, it manipulates. Organ, perhaps, not entirely to purify the body, so that the accumulated toxins, toxins and other harmful substances, relapse of psoriasis is usually the way. Even the minimum concentration of alcohol provokes malabsorption of nutrients the immune system is and useful hits.

Food restrictions are common. Every person's body is different and reacts in a special way, different products. Forgo the advice of doctors. Before you assign a diet, experts to pass one test products.

Recommended products

Diet in psoriasis treatment is very important. To help develop the right products to use for acute health and prevention of disease. The proposed use, vegetables and fruit (kiwi, beans, apricots, pineapple, carrots, strawberries, greens, cabbage), lean meat and fish, grains, low-fat dairy products and кисломолочной.

A comprehensive treatment and psoriasis flare-ups to prevent to provide the body with needed vitamins and minerals.

People, it is recommended for this pathology introduction, of diet products, rich in:

  • Ascorbic acid. This article promotes, strengthens the immune system. Vitamin C sources, Bulgarian pepper, kiwi, pineapples.
  • Vitamin E sunflower seeds in a large concentration of this substance. People with the disease, a little seed that is required to be consumed each day. Vitamin to strengthen the dermis and minimize the symptoms of psoriasis situation and contributed to the development of the central nervous system.
  • Vitamins. This matter is replete with the lack of metabolic most in a negative way affecting the dermis. Buckwheat diet you need to keep people pathology.
  • Zinc. A major role in the diet in the treatment of psoriasis-products, zinc, contains. Depends on this mineral, and protein metabolism necessary for improvement. The concept of high concentrations of zinc, sesame, pumpkin and seafood.
  • Calcium. Mineral additives this desensitization, the recovery of the organism, and psoriatic dermis and speed up the healing items. The diet proposed input ryazhenka, yogurt, and cottage cheese.

People who suffer from pathology, and recommend it be consumed ginger. That helps you to be free, the body's toxic substances, symptoms of the pathology as well as troubleshooting. The concept of a significant amount of ginger, vitamins A, B, ascorbic acid, and trace elements. Apart from this, rich ginger, and amino acids. Experts, the additive is consumed as the first and second dishes.

By just observing all that can be achieved on a diet for psoriasis treatment the doctor's advice with maximum therapeutic effect. The right nutrition at the same time contribute to improve the functioning of all organs and systems, as well as weight loss.